MSE 2024
Abstract Submission & Management


The topic and symposium organizers invite the MSE 2024 community to submit abstracts related to the symposia. Especially young scientists are encouraged to contribute to the symposia. Contributions can be submitted for poster.

For the submission of an abstract, no booking is necessary until a contribution is confirmed.

Submit your poster for the online presentation. You can present your poster on the virtual platform and the TV-monitors on site at TU Darmstadt. 

Submission Process and Proceedings

Information for poster submissions
As of June 30th, all poster submissions for on-site must be made as online. On-site participation is possible with posters displayed on venue monitors. Follow the “Presentation of a Poster” guidelines. On-site monitors are shared, so you may need to share with other authors. Available on-site spots due to cancellations will be offered based on submission date.

For Abstract submission, only the title and a short description of a maximum of 2,500 characters are required.

Click above to submit your abstract. After creating an account or logging in with a DGM user account, you can submit a new or edit an existing unsubmitted contribution.

When creating a new contribution, you will be asked to select the symposia and the type of contribution (lecture or poster) you want to submit. All further required information for your contribution will be requested via the user interface.

MSE 2024 will be held as a hybrid event, on-site in Darmstadt (Germany) and online. For better planning of the symposium, we kindly ask you to indicate in your submission if you plan to travel to Darmstadt (Germany) for MSE 2024 or if you plan to attend the event virtually. We will consider this information for scheduling the scientific program regarding time zones and location.

Please note that if you buy a ticket before your submission is reviewed and your submission type is changed by the scientific committee (e.g. from lecture to poster), you may cancel your ticket free of charge.

Book of Abstracts

You have the option of creating a formatted one-page abstract via this template, including a graphic about your contribution. The one-page abstract can be uploaded as a pdf to your contribution to the Abstracts Management System by 30 August 2024. The preparation of a one-page abstract is voluntary. The abstracts will be published collectively as a "Book of Abstracts" as part of MSE 2024 and will be available to all participants. The Book of Abstracts is not subject to a review process.

Download Abstract Template

Abstract Management System

You can edit your contribution at any time until the final submission and still upload documents like your poster after submission. You will find all your contributions for editing in the

Abstract Management System

Guidelines for the presentation of your contribution

Please note the following recommendations when preparing your presentation.

Guidelines for the presentation of your contribution

Download Presentation Templates

MSE 2024
24 - 26 September 2024 | Hybrid Congress in Darmstadt (Germany) & Online

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